الوحدة الأولى (تعارف)
الدرس الأول
كيف أنا أنت هو هي بخير
اسْتَمِعْ لِهَذا الحِوارِ :
Ø السلام عليكَم
Ø وعليك السلام
Ø كيف أنت؟
Ø أنا بخير
Ø وكيف هو؟
Ø هو بخير.
Ø وكيف هي؟
Ø هي بخير.
Ø الحمد لله . كلكم بخير.
Ø صدقت.
1st exercise: Perfecting reading
Click on each number.
Listen to the sentence. (2-3 times)
See the meaning.
Listen to it again until you become comfortable with it.
Repeat it as much as you want.
Click on the next number and do the same thing.
2nd exercise: Fill in the blanks:
Ø السلام .............. عليك أنت
Ø وعليك .............. هو السلام
Ø كيف .............. ؟ أنت أنا
Ø .............. بخيرٍ . هو أنا
Ø وكيف .............. ؟ هو أنت
Ø هو ..............؟ أنا هو
Ø و .............. هي ؟ كيف السلام
Ø هي ..............أيضًا ؟ بخير كيف
Ø ..............لله . كلكم بخير. الحمد السلام
Common Mistake
Translating word by word
When people learn a second language, they tend to think in their first language and translate word by word. It does not work that way. Learning a new language means learning something new that might not be in your native language. In Arabic, verb to be is dropped in the present tense. English speaking students tend to look for verb to be. When they translate word for word and they do not encounter verb to be in the sentence they find it problematic. Therefore, never try to translate word by word. Rather, translating phrase for phrase or sentence for sentence is a better situation.
Grammatical point:
In Arabic verb to be (is, am, are) is always dropped. It is understood from the context. So, if you want to say (how are you?) in Arabic, you say it without using (are).
You just say (how you).
كيف أنت ؟ كيف هو ؟ كيف أحمد ؟ كيف هي؟
الوحدة الأولى (تعارف)
الدرس الثاني
ما من اسمي اسمك جميل صدقت
اسْتَمِعْ لِهَذا الحِوارِ :
Ø السلام عليك
Ø وعليك السلام
Ø ما اسمكَ ؟
Ø باسمٌ. اُسمي باسم.
Ø ومَن هي ؟
Ø هي فاطمة.
Ø وكيف أنت يافاطمة ؟
Ø أنا بخير.
Ø اسمكِ جميل يافاطة.
Ø صدقت.
1st exercise: Listening for understanding
2nd exercise: Fill in the blanks:
Ø السلام .............. عليك أنت
Ø وعليك .............. هو السلام
Ø كيف .............. ؟ أنت أنا
Ø .............. بخيرٍ . هو أنا
Ø وكيف .............. ؟ هو أنت
Ø هو ..............؟ أنا هو
Ø و .............. هي ؟ كيف السلام
Ø هي ..............أيضًا ؟ بخير كيف
Ø ............... كلكم بخير. الحمد لله السلام
Commom mistakes
Redundancy in using the pronoun.
One quality of Arabic that is not available in English is that you add the possessive pronoun to the noun to form one word. In English they are 2 separate words like (my + book) in Arabic they are combined in one word (اسمي ). So, English speaking people tend to say (أنا اسمي ) . In Arabic, the sentence is correct without using this pronoun (أنا) as it is redundancy. It is enough to say (اسمي ).
So, pay attention to this feature and avoid redundancy.
Grammatical point:
Notice that in Arabic we can combine 2 words together. In English (my name) is 2 separate words. In Arabic we combine both words to become one word such as:
اسم+ ي = اسمي
اسم + كَ = اسمكَ
اسم + كِ = اسمكِ
الوحدة الأولى (تعارف)
الدرس الثالث
نعم من أين هنا اجلس بجواري
اسْتَمِعْ لِهَذا الحِوارِ :
Ø السلام عليك
Ø وعليك السلام
Ø ياباسم ؟
Ø نَعم يا أخي.
Ø من هذا؟
Ø هذا أحمد .
Ø من أين هو؟
Ø من مَكة.
اجلس هنا بجواري.
Ø شكرا.
1st exercise: Listening and speaking
2nd exercise: Fill in the blanks:
Ø السلام .............. عليك أنت
Ø وعليك .............. هو السلام
Ø كيف .............. ؟ أنت أنا
Ø .............. بخيرٍ . هو أنا
Ø وكيف .............. ؟ هو أنت
Ø هو ..............؟ أنا هو
Ø و .............. هي ؟ كيف السلام
Ø هي ..............أيضًا ؟ بخير كيف
Ø ............... كلكم بخير. الحمد لله السلام
Common mistakes
Putting the preposition at the end of the question.
To make a question in Arabic for a verb that requires a preposition, you have to begin the question with that preposition. This is not the case in English where we end the question with the preposition.
In English we say: Where are you from?.
In Arabic we way: (من أين هو؟ ).
In other words, when we make questions in in English we end with the preposition, whereas in Arabic we begin with prepositions.
Grammatical rule:
In Arabic, all words, articles, adjectives and verbs should be either masculine or feminine. The Arabs classified all words according to this criterion. Therefore, you have to set your mind to think in that direction. For example: the word this in English has 2 equivalents in Arabic one for the masculine word, the other for the feminine word:
هذا باسم.
هذه فاطمة.
هذا أحمد.
هذه فاطمة.
The rule also applies to even words that are not real masculine or feminine. The words book in English is considered feminine, and the word moon is considered masculine. That is why in Arabic we say:
هذا قمر ------ هذه شمس
This rule applies to all words.
الوحدة الأولى (تعارف)
الدرس الرابع
صَباحٌ تفضل أين ذهب المكتب السوق
اسْتَمِعْ لِهَذا الحِوارِ :
Ø صَباح الخير
Ø صباح الخير
Ø تَفضل. اجلس معنا.
Ø شكرا.
Ø أين والدك ؟
Ø ذهب إلي المكتب.
Ø وأين والدتك ؟
Ø ذهبت إلى السوق.
Ø مع من ؟
Ø مع أخي علي ؟
1st exercise: Listening and speaking
2nd exercise: Fill in the blanks:
Ø السلام .............. عليك أنت
Ø وعليك .............. هو السلام
Ø كيف .............. ؟ أنت أنا
Ø .............. بخيرٍ . هو أنا
Ø وكيف .............. ؟ هو أنت
Ø هو ..............؟ أنا هو
Ø و .............. هي ؟ كيف السلام
Ø هي ..............أيضًا ؟ بخير كيف
Ø ............... كلكم بخير. الحمد لله السلام
Common mistake
Mispronouncing sound [ح ]
Some Arabic sounds are not available in English. One of these sound is [ح ].
Learners usually read it [h] which is not the same sound. It is very important from the early stages to listen and repeat new sounds in isolation and in words. By time, the new sounds will be acquired.
Grammatical rule:
In Arabic, there is always a sign that shows whether the verb is masculine or feminine. In the past tense, usually this sign is at the end. In the following examples, it is the letter ( ت )
ذهب ----- ذهبت
جلس ----- جلست
الوحدة الأولى (تعارف)
الدرس الخامس
أهلا وسهلا مرحبا بني رحلة متى وصلت
منذ ساعة
اسْتَمِعْ لِهَذا الحِوارِ :
Ø أهلاً وَسهلاً
Ø مَرحبًا
Ø كيف أنْتَ يا بني؟.
Ø بخير ياوالدي.
Ø كيف كانت رحلتك ؟
Ø كانت بخير. الحمد لله.
Ø متى وصلت ؟
Ø منذ ساعة.
Ø الحمد لله
Ø مَعَ مَنْ ؟
Ø مع أخي علي ؟
1st exercise: Perfecting reading
Click on each number.
Listen to the sentence. (2-3 times)
See the meaning.
Listen to it again until you become comfortable with it.
Repeat it as much as you want.
Click on the next number and do the same thing.
2nd exercise: Fill in the blanks:
Ø السلام .............. عليك أنت
Ø وعليك .............. هو السلام
Ø كيف .............. ؟ أنت أنا
Ø .............. بخيرٍ . هو أنا
Ø وكيف .............. ؟ هو أنت
Ø هو ..............؟ أنا هو
Ø و .............. هي ؟ كيف السلام
Ø هي ..............أيضًا ؟ بخير كيف
Ø ..............لله . كلكم بخير. الحمد السلام
Common Mistake
Translating word for word
In addition to words and phrases, there are some expressions and idioms. These expressions and idioms should not translated word for word. They are expressions. Instead of translating them word by word and letter by letter, learners should look for the equivalent expression in their mother tongue. The expression (I am fine) in English is only one word in Arabic which is (بخير ). The learners should acquire the habit to using this word as it is a whole sentence.
Grammatical point:
There is a lot of deletion in Arabic. In English too there are some deletion of words that are understood. For example you say welcome. However, the whole sentence should be you are welcome. Similarly, in Arabic we say
أهلا ---- مرحبا
what is meant is
أهلا بك ----- مرحبا بك
الوحدة الأولى (تعارف)
مراجعة واختبار
Review previous vocabulary
Fill in the blanks
Long dialogue
أكمل الحوار
1st exercise: Perfecting reading
Click on each number.
Listen to the sentence. (2-3 times)
See the meaning.
Listen to it again until you become comfortable with it.
Repeat it as much as you want.
Click on the next number and do the same thing.
2nd exercise: Fill in the blanks:
Ø السلام .............. عليك أنت
Ø وعليك .............. هو السلام
Ø كيف .............. ؟ أنت أنا
Ø .............. بخيرٍ . هو أنا
Ø وكيف .............. ؟ هو أنت
Ø هو ..............؟ أنا هو
Ø و .............. هي ؟ كيف السلام
Ø هي ..............أيضًا ؟ بخير كيف
Ø ..............لله . كلكم بخير. الحمد السلام
Today’s tip:
Pay attention to welcoming expressions
Arabic is very rich in welcoming expressions. Almost all of them mean welcome.
Later on, you can distinguish between the slight differences among them..
Grammatical point:
There is a lot of deletion in Arabic. In English too there are some deletion of words that are understood. For example you say welcome. However, the whole sentence should be you are welcome. Similarly, in Arabic we say
أهلا ---- مرحبا
what is meant is
أهلا بك ----- مرحبا بك